BGCL’s management system is certified to ISO9001.
We prepare a comprehensive Contract Management Plan (CMP – copy available on request) that captures project requirements and details the implementation of our quality management, health and safety management, and environmental compliance.
Our Project Manager will prepare and table a Comprehensive Construction Program (produced in Microsoft Project) within 10 days of award of contract and before the commencement of the physical works.
The approved program forms the basis of our daily monitoring and progress review by the project team. Any variations or delays to the program will be reported, and recommended mitigation provided to the Engineer as soon as practically possible.
While communication may take place between the Site Supervisor and the Engineer, all instructions, challenges, variations to the program and other key communications will be between the Project Manager and the Engineer.
Site meetings will provide the forum to table project reports, communicate project progress and status and record/answer formal site inquiries.
The Project Manager will manage all aspects of public relations including informing relevant members of the public/neighbours as accurately as possible of work activities and any anticipated noise, dust, disruptions to services; daily start/finish times and project start/completion.
All written public notifications will be completed by the Project Manager for approval prior to distribution. Daily verbal/informal enquiries (from community stakeholders) will be directed to the Site Supervisor wherever possible.
All subcontractors used by BGCL are from our Approved Supplier and Subcontractor List and are reviewed annually by senior management. With responsibility for all subcontractors on site, our Site Supervisor will monitor subcontractor’s performance daily with respect to quality, health and safety, and environmental compliance, and with contractual requirements, timeliness and adherence to our strict Drug and Alcohol Policy.
As part of our Contract Management Plan, an inspection and test schedule is prepared and submitted for approval by the Engineer. This schedule includes provisions for;
● Schedule of all construction inspections, witness and hold points and verification records
● Material specification and testing
● Compaction standards and testing
● All pipework fabrication, jointing, corrosion protections, testing, bedding and backfilling
● All concrete structure material specifications and testing
Additionally our system includes;
● Establishment of drawing register and management and issue of new drawings internally and to external parties.
● Establishment of communication register and issue of instructions internally and to external parties.
● Management of non-conforming works.
● Preparation of an internal audit schedule
Leadership in safe site practices and an enduring company safety culture is fundamental to BGCL maintaining its strong health and safety performance record. Our Contract Management Plan captures the necessary processes and procedures and outlines the health and safety consideration.
Every employee shares in this responsibility and is kept up to date with safety procedures and the requirements of the site-specific safety plan prepared prior to commencement of every project.
Quality data records are prepared and maintained by the foremen on detailed Site and Construction Checklists. Project progress reports are prepared and tabled at site meetings. We manage financial records and reporting from Workbench software and Xero accounting software. Our progress claims and invoice are prepared in Workbench and submitted in an accurate and timely manner in accordance with the Contract conditions, Construction Contracts Act 2015 and the applicable standard for building and civil engineering construction.
Information, reporting and progress updates are passed on to the Project Manager through regular face-to-face, phone and email communications with the site/project manager.
Health and Safety and environmental incidents are reported immediately to the Engineer.
All materials used in the construction of the contract will be new, be of good quality, comply with their manufacturing standards and be fit for purpose. All materials will be delivered, handled and stored in accordance with relevant standards and manufacturers’ recommendations.
Materials with long lead-in times will be ordered as soon as possible following award of contract and the Engineer will be notified of any possible setbacks caused by delays in the delivery of materials to site. Materials will be checked against specifications, contract documents and for defects prior to installation. All materials are checked onto site against the delivery docket; stored on site to prevent damage.
When required a Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) Plan will be prepared by an in-house STMS or external provider and submitted to the Road Controlling Authority for approval. Particular emphasis is placed on maintaining clear and clean access routes for traffic, pedestrian and cyclists.
All traffic management functions and activities will be performed in accordance with the Codes of Practice for Temporary Traffic Management (COPTTM).
A Traffic Controller will be on site at all times during phases requiring traffic management and regular internal traffic audits of the site will be undertaken to ensure effective operation of the TTMP.
Leadership in environmental management and proactive practices is fundamental to BGCL maintaining its good environmental performance and record. BGCL will work closely with the Engineer to ensure compliance with environmental controls at all times.
A site-specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared prior to commencement of works. Setting out our compliance methodologies with resource consents, the EMP will include matters pertaining to air quality, noise, dust, vibration, erosion and sediment.
The EMP will be available on site and our Site Supervisor will be responsible for inspecting and monitoring the works daily to ensure compliance with the EMP and for EMP performance monitoring.
Every construction project is exposed to risks. Most risks are carefully managed and minimised through the stringent quality assurance procedures and management practices that BGCL has in place. Our philosophy is to identify and discuss openly potentially problematic areas early, so that time delays and the financial impacts are minimised.
There has never been a project that BGCL has been unable to complete. We pride ourselves on providing effective, specialised civil engineering solutions and completing projects on time and on-budget.