IPort Industrial Development
Client: Rolleston Industrial Holdings Ltd & Rolleston Industrial Developments Ltd
Website: www.iport.co.nz
Consultant: Elliot Sinclair and Partners
Time Frame: 12 Months
Size: $9.7m
IPort Industrial Hub is a a $500 million industrial and logistics park located on 122 hectares of prime industrial-zoned land at Rolleston.
BG was contracted as the Lead Civil Contractor of all works. Full on site establishment and project management for entire project -self performed with BGCL Plant and equipment. Very tight time constraints on title delivery and additional stages added on the fly. Challenging Traffic Management requirements from Council to maintain open roads throughout the construction period.
High expectations were put on Quality Control and testing regime.
Earthworks: 10,000 Cubic metres
New Roading: 3.3km
Roundabouts: 4
Asphalt: 4.35ha
New Sewer: 2.1km
Common Service Trenching: 6.7km